The 25 Worst Places To Invest Right Now

Theories abound on which suburbs make the best places to invest, but conversely, finding a struggling market is remarkably easy.

With this in mind, figures reveal the markets across Australia that are currently facing the steepest Read more

Sunny outlook for Queensland jobs market

THE good news, if you live or invest in Queensland, is that the Sunshine State is creating jobs once again.

And that means a sunnier outlook for Queensland’s housing sector. Read more

You can follow Donald Trumps Property Investment Strategy

Recently I attended a property investing seminar which was an introduction to Donald Trump’s Real Estate investing programme. Although this was a fairly basic seminar it was well worth attending to find out how one of the most successful investors in the world does it and to be reminded of some concepts which although I may already know I may not necessarily always be using. Here is my interpretation of the strategies for you: Read more

Duplex investing success

How to Think Like a Millionaire – Harv Eker

This article by Harv T Eker, the author of the Millionaire Mind looks at the way that successful investors think.

Rich people have a way of thinking that is different from poor and middle class people. They think differently about money, wealth,themselves, other people, and life. Let’s examine six crucial differences between how rich people think and how poor or middle class people think. Read more